Problem when animate (SOLVED)

yes all the time I search forum and ask for help because I am on learning process… and forum is the best way learn things… thanks you too be well

You can animate in update like this:

function update(self, dt)
    local pos = go.get_position()
    pos.x = pos.x + 2 * dt -- move 2 pixels/second to the right

You can also use go.animate():

local pos = go.get_position()
local to = pos + vmath.vector3(100, 0, 0)
local distance = vmath.length(to - pos)
local pixels_per_second = 2
local duration = distance / pixels_per_second
go.animate(".", "position", go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_FORWARD, to, go.EASING_LINEAR, duration)

There is also some examples here: