Is there any way to play sound and music on iOS Safari? - [HTML5 / Web / Mobile]

It does play sound/music on PC browser without any problem but It doesn’t work on iOS mobile browser such as iOS Safari, iOS Chrome.
Maybe Defold engine is not capable to handle sound files on iOS mobile browser yet?
I have tested .ogg and .wav both.
With Android Chrome it’s working fine.
It would be really nice if Defold can play sound/music on iOS web browser (especially iOS Safari).
Is there any way to play sound/music on iOS Safari?"main:/sound#menu","play_sound")

Defold version : 1.2.96
iOS version : 10.2
Android version : 4.4.4 (Chrome 55.0.2883.91)

I know that iOS Safari won’t let you play sounds unless you call API first within user touch event.
So what I’m doing is that on gui_script handle the sound when user press button.

function on_input(self, action_id, action)
    if action_id == hash("input_touch") or action_id == hash("input_mouse") then
    	if action.pressed then
	    	local x = action.x
	    	local y = action.y
	    	local start_node = gui.get_node("play")
	    	if gui.pick_node(start_node,x,y) then
      "main:/sound#menu","play_sound") -- firing play_sound when user touches the button"main:/loader#script","load",{"level_select"})"main:/loader#script","unload",{"top_title"})

Hmm, I didn’t know that there was a problem with this. @sven and @Mathias_Westerdahl, have we tested this recently or is this a know limitation? My usual recommendation is to use HTML5 for desktop browsers and native apps for mobile. Depending on what kind of game you have the performance will not be super great on mobile with the HTML5 builds.

I got the same problem using Defold 1 and Defold 2 on html5 iOS mobile device:

function on_input(self, action_id, action)
         if action_id == hash("touch") and #action.touch > 1 and #action.touch < 4 then
"/music#music_fidelio", "play_sound", {delay = 1, gain = 1.0})

One of the reasons for us to use defold instead of Unity is the html5 abilities.
When this sound is not working in Defold on iOS html5 mobile devices its a show stopper for us.
So we cant use Defold and have to look for other engines, which would be a pity…
Loving Defold so far…