How to message a script instead of just the first instance

So I have a factory that creates a game object with script and sprite. Is there anyway to message the script as a whole instead of just the first instance created, if so how would I get the link/URL. When I do print(msg.url()) it gives image. The script is in the image bullets game object whilst the factory is in main.collection. I basically just want to know how to to all instances instead of just a specified single one.

You can’t. If you create bullets you need to put them into a list and then send a message to each of them:

local function send_to_bullets(self, message_id, message)
	for i=1,#self.bullets do
		local id = self.bullets[i], message_id, message)

function init(self)
	self.bullets = {}

	for i=1,100 do
		self.bullets[i] = factory.create("#bulletfactory")

	send_to_bullets(self, "increase_speed", { speed = 200 })
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Dispatcher might be an out-of-the-box solution for you to message all the interested objects without knowing their urls directly :wink: If the factored object has script in init() you would subscribe to a message and then use dispatcher to dispatch this message to all objects subscribed to this message.

But while deciding on this - consider if you even need a script for each factored object - if there will be a lot of bullets it might be a bottleneck regarding performance at some point. At this point solution by Bjorn should be better :wink:

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