Error with ads on facebook instant (SOLVED)

hi, i have a problem with the ads in facebook instant.

how can i solved it?

this is the code:

local function show_interstitial_ad(placement)
print(“About to attempt to load interstitial”)
fbinstant.load_interstitial_ad(placement, function(self, success)
print(“Loaded interstitial”, success)
if not success then
fbinstant.show_interstitial_ad(placement, function(self, success)
print(“Showed interstitial”, success)

and i have i question. If I need to make a gui scroll menu is necesary made it with some extension (dirty larry for example?) or i can made it with the defold gui?

Ads are only supported on mobile.

Dirty Larry and Gooey are both built on top of the Defold GUI system. You can use either of those extensions or create your own code for scrolling.

now i know jajaja, but now i’m trying to test it in my mobile, but the ads dont show, how can i see the console in mobile, becouse i have a ad reward between the main menu and the gamplay but the gameplay don’t start and the ads dont charge D:

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I’ve used Safari to debug remote sessions on my iPhone:

Not sure how to do it on Android. Perhaps Google knows?

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