Editor axis adjusters are glitching

I’ve had this issue for a while, but I figured it would be reported by someone else and patched in the next update. It’s been hanging on for the past few updates, so I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who has this issue.

It’s the same story as my most recent issue, the (null)(null) error. I don’t know what I did, or what happened.


As you can see, the axis markers and multi-select box aren’t working correctly. They both appear to be running into contact points all over the grid screen.

EDIT: For scale, the SINGLE object on the screen is 10x10. Numerous objects are found over 100 pixels away from this object.

Could it be that those game objects have some component there, close to the origin?
(Perhaps we calculate their bounding boxes wrong)

Also, please add this as a ticket to the editor2 issues page.
Unfortunately, our editor devs are on vacation right now, so I doubt we’ll have time to look at this until they’re back.

No, sadly. All objects and anything related are far away.

That was done. Should I link it here? I linked this post to the GitHub ticket, but not the other way around.

Good for them. :smiley: This isn’t an incredibly pressing issue, it just makes the workflow slightly inconvenient. That being said, typing the position in works fine while the axis adjustment is… buggy.


An update to the problem:

Running Defold in OpenGL debug mode (With @Erik_Angelin’s help) causes the engine to crash when I try to highlight the axis manipulators, but prints a useful error message.