Editor 2 Build html5 doesn't run under Linux (SOLVED)

Hi there, maybe I’m the only one having this problem but, everything runs and builds fine in the new editor, except the html5 build. It builds, but for whatever reason it doesn’t launch a server and open the build in in the browser.

This test was done with the simple runner example project, so no magic here.

@mats.gisselson and @Ragnar_Dahlen, any idea what could be happening?

I just tested under Editor 1 and it works fine under it.

Edit: btw everything I tested is fine so it exports properly it just doesn’t effectively launch a server on the build html5 command.

Hi @Aiki, thanks for the report!

I just tested Build HTML5 on Linux and couldn’t reproduce the problem.

If you click “Help” -> “Show Logs” that should reveal our log files. Could you please send the latest ones to me ? You can send them here on forum or e-mail to ragnar.dahlen@king.com. This will help us investigate further.

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logs.zip (10.6 KB)

Added two most recent, had to zip it to upload.

I read through it, can’t see anything strange but you’re the dev! :smiley:

Let me know if there are any further tests i can do. I’m running kubuntu 17.04 btw.

Thanks for the logs, can’t see anything fishy in them either unfortunately.

Are you able to share this project with me? If so, you can invite ragnar.dahlen@king.com

Or does this happen with an new, empty project?

Just re-read the first post clearly stating you’re using the runner tutorial so ignore my questions about the project. I’ll try with the runner myself.

Could you try if any of these things work:

  • Start defold in terminal. In defold directory: ./Defold

    • Do you get any suspicious output in terminal? Feel free to send to me.
  • Run defold as root: In defold directory: sudo ./Defold

    • Does it work if running as root?
  • Verify that HTML5 build completes successfully:

    • In terminal in project directory, clear previous build data: rm -rf build
    • In editor, do “Project” -> “Build HTML5”
    • In terminal in project directory, manually open HTML5 build result: firefox build/default/__htmlLaunchDir/Runner/index.html
    • Does it show the game correctly?
  • Verify that the server is listening:

    • In a terminal, find the port of the defold server: `lsof -i | grep 'java.*TCP``
    • This should give you a result like:
      • java 4495 ragge 42u IPv4 366334 0t0 TCP *:44593 (LISTEN)
      • port number is in bold
    • Open browser with the following url: http://localhost:${port from above}/html5/index.html
      • So for my port number it would be: http://localhost:44593/html5/index.html
    • Does it show game correctly?
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Basicaly the first 2 dont work the second 2 work…
So everything is fine except the editor can’t seem to get it. :smile:

Also there was a typo in your instructions, i fixed it. :wink:

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Great, that’s very helpful. Then it would seem the only thing that is actually failing is launching the browser.

One more thing to try: Does it work if you click “Help” -> “Documentation”? That should launch a browser too, using the same mechanism.

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Bingo, the docs don’t launch at all.
The logs have no extra info as to why this fails though. But you found the problem.

Hey @Aiki, sorry for the slow reply on this one.

Which desktop are you running? Can you try installing either gtk2 or gtk3?

I’m running Kubuntu, so KDE. Kde has it’s own support for gtk. It seems to work with every app, but who knows, maybe defold expects something that is not there. I’ll get back to you if I’m able to test it in a full blown gtk env.(like gnome, xfce, etc)

Hey man, just wanted to let you know that in my tests under linux everything seems to work as intended.(I’m using standard Ubuntu with gnome 3 atm)
Maybe it was a KDE thing, maybe you guys got something fixed.
Whatever the case, thanks!


Hey @Aiki, thanks for letting me know! Don’t hesitate to report any other (linux-related or not) issues you find!