Difference between require() and _G.require() for asset libraries

Hey guys,

I recently encountered a bit of an inconsistency with trying to use asset libraries.

When using the orthographic library the following works fine in lua:

__dex_lib_orthographic_Camera = _G.require("orthographic.camera")

However when using the Monarch library, the following does not work:

__warbattles_monarch_Monarch = _G.require("monarch.monarch")
/main.lua:67: module 'monarch.monarch' not found

However it works if I change it to this:

__warbattles_monarch_Monarch = require("monarch.monarch")

So what exactly is the deal with _G? And why is it different for these two libraries? From what I can tell on Github they both have the same structure…

local M = {}


return M

Interesting. _G is the table of global functions and function tables (modules). You find the standard Lua functions such as require, math.max, tostring, io.open etc

Calling _G.require() and require() should be the same.

Ah! The problem in your case is that the Defold build pipeline doesn’t recognise _G.require() and will therefore not include the required file. If it is required from somewhere else using require() it will work though.


Ah, so in the case of orthographic it works because I have a camera.go object in the game which requires the camera through its script, right?

Is this something that could/should/may be fixed in the future?

Yes, our require() detection can definitely be improved.