Defold Editor 2 crashes after adding 56th image to the animation

I have atlas and animation with 55 images
After adding 56th image Editor crashes :frowning:
Is there a real limitation or it is just a bug?


It seems like the individual images are pretty big. Are you resizing the images at runtime? Could it be that you’re running in to a memory issue? What does the popup say?

the popup say something like:
Program “Defold” suddenly shutdown.
Click “Open again” in order to open program again.
Open "Report…"in order to see more information and send report to Apple.
Skip. Report… Open again

actual there is no info in report

about size: I added images like this (355x355) (seems resolution doesn’t affect)


Hmm, ok, could you please report this issue in Help->Report Issue. The editor shouldn’t crash like that.

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Done. Thank you