Debug.getinfo(1) not returning the current function

debug.getinfo(1) does not seem to return the current function name when called from an engine callback , there’s plenty of other stuff, see below

  linedefined = 3,
  currentline = 6,
  func = function: 0x174fb6e0,
  isvararg = false,
  namewhat = ,
  lastlinedefined = 12,
  source = =/main/main.script,
  nups = 1,
  what = Lua,
  nparams = 1,
  short_src = /main/main.script,

Calling getinfo from a regular function down the stack return the name as expected

  linedefined = 15,
  currentline = 17,
  func = function: 0x0a1c2830,
  isvararg = false,
  namewhat = global,
  lastlinedefined = 19,
  source = =/main/main.script,
  nups = 0,
  what = Lua,
  nparams = 0,
  name = someFunction,
  short_src = /main/main.script,

The callback function isn’t anonymous? Can you show the code?

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By callback I meant something that the engine calls like init(), this is running from the main.script, see below for code and output. Also, at a breakpoint in init() the debugger Call Stack shows “Unknown” for the init() and the correct name for someFunction(), this may be related.

   function init(self)

    function someFunction() 

Outputs this in the console

       linedefined = 3,
       currentline = 4,
       func = function: 0x0d884610,
       isvararg = false,
       namewhat = ,
       lastlinedefined = 6,
       source = =/main/main.script,
       nups = 0,
       what = Lua,
       nparams = 1,
       short_src = /main/main.script,

       linedefined = 8,
       currentline = 9,
       func = function: 0x0d884630,
       isvararg = false,
       namewhat = global,
       lastlinedefined = 10,
       source = =/main/main.script,
       nups = 0,
       what = Lua,
       nparams = 0,
       name = someFunction,
       short_src = /main/main.script,

Ah, I see. Yeah, those lifecycle functions are treated a bit differently. I’m not sure if we’ll be able to get the function name back in that case. You’ll at least still get line number and source.