Combine rendercam w/ offscreen target?

Does anyone know how to combine rendercam w/ offscreen buffering? I attempted doing this but I’m not sure how to find the proper projection for displaying the rendered texture after. I tried some random values and can see the texture but I’m not sure how to go about finding the projection which causes it to be screen-sized. Does anyone have any advice for this?

If you check the RenderCam thread there should be example of it being used with Render Targets for post processing.

You should make a stand alone project with what you are trying to do so it’s easier to see what’s missing / what’s wrong.


Thanks a lot! I checked the thread and managed to get it working quickly. (I was setting projection/view w/ vmath.matrix4() instead of using IDENTITY_MATRIX which apparently was causing my issue.) Here’s a screenshot of the game using your chromatic abberation post-FX. I’ll probably modify this a bit and add some lighting to improve the feel of the game:

EDIT: I modified the chromatic aberration effect so that it works in HTML5 and on Android (I had to remove options and hard-code in those values.) I can share the changes if you want so that the effect can be used for those platforms. Or perhaps add a separate version which is HTMl5/Android safe. Up to you :slight_smile:

Do you have a private store for Faerie Solitaire Harvest? I want to buy a copy as a token of gratitude :smiley: otherwise I’ll just buy it on Steam.