Android: Google Play app linking

Hi all,

I’m using sys.open_url(“”) in a dialog to ask users to rate my app.

But this can result in showing an activity chooser (internet browser… play store) , instead of opening play store on my app.

Android developer’s guide instruct to set package “” when launching view intent.

Is there an equivalent option in Defold?

Thanks in advance :upside_down_face:

The DefReview extension could probably be expanded to also support Android.

Is this something you considered @AGulev?

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No, not exactly.
I thought about the possibility to implement “Rate Us” popup on Android using Android system UI.
But the priority for this thing is really low because usually, it’s more flexible to use game UI for this reason with a much better user experience.

We don’t have such functionality in the engine right now, but you are able to implement this functionality as a Native Extension using instruction you found and any open-source extension for Android as an example.