Analytics data disappeared

I added tracking code to project 81904 and yesterday it showed analytics data from some usage. But today I checked again and it’s not showing.

Edit: As soon as I post this, data shows again. I just tested HTML5 build so might have had something to do with it.


Agreed bug, in my projects analytics sometimes randomly dissapered. I have been watching such behaviour 3-4 months ago but forget write at forum time to time.

PS Defold analytics good and sufficient for me but country dropdown uncomfortable for use.


Sorry to hear! Can you link the bug to any sort of action, or does it seem like it’s completely random?

Yeah completely random i cannot find any event links. Dissapered and randomly appear … in random day.


Keeps happening. Checking back a few times on pages and they still don’t work.


I’ll talk to @mikael.lothman and see what’s going on.


Could you please check the Chrome dev tools and see if there’s any error/timeout in the network communication when you open the Analytics tab? Perhaps you could also add me ( and/or Mikael ( Can you see any kind of pattern in the behaviour or is it completely random?

Completely random. Added to project Mikael and Bjorn. Looks like analytics not added, but it in work.

So, sometimes you see the analytics for that project and other times you don’t? Can you please double check that you’ve actually added the analytics id to game.project?

Yes, i am already tripple checked game.project:

app_id = BA16E418BC975345

Looks like analytics never be added to projects. Two month ago this bug repeated day-by-day, but now i dont see analytics completely.

I will make the assumption: can the old data get caught and erased from the statistics? So agregated analytics dissapered …

This bug i see on all projects with the exception of Here i dont see any troubles.


No idea to be honest. I don’t think we erase any collected data. @mikael.lothman ?


The job that calculates the total number of installs and total number of unique players had stopped working. A consequence was, except that the numbers wasn’t up to date, that some users couldn’t see their statistics at all. Everything should by now be back on track, so please let us know if any issues related to this remains.

Thank you for reporting the issue and sorry for any inconvenience that this have caused you!


Thx! Analytics wake up :smiley: