DefKit - Component based Scripts for "Visual Scripting"

I’ve seen questions on the Forum asking “How to transition from Game Maker to Defold”. This got me thinking if a similar event/action system provided in Game Maker could also be achieved in Defold.

Working with the intention of building on Defold concepts, not using external tools and mirroring the functionality…
The result is this:

There are stil many Events and Actions left to be developed and I have yet to start on Rooms and Game life-cycle functionality. But if you want to give it a spinn or help out with the Development, go ahead!


Nice, if you can add this in editor as simply as “click and play”. It’ll be make defold more advantages . :steam_locomotive::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car:

Happy to hear you like it, it is available as a library so you can use already today if you wish to build games.

Just follow the Setup instructions in Github and you are good to go!


This is awesome, and I bet will help get some more people into using Defold. Making at least one video tutorial going through the steps of the use and what can be made with it would likely help too. @mike Would you be willing to take a look and make a video on this?