Defold Integration for GameAnalytics (DEF-3024)

Is Ad Events part of the Defold API? I can’t seem to find it in the documentation. If not, is there a plan to add it?

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There is documentation on how to use ad events with GameAnalytics Defold SDK here: Knowledge Base

But yeah you need to able to send the event from ad callback function from the ad SDKs like onAdDisplayed() or something like that for it to work properly.

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Thanks, I must have missed that in the documentation before. Great stuff!

I’ve dusted off the GameAnalytics extension to be used in a web game. When building inside the editor ( B) there is a build error. This happens in my project as well as in a blank project with just the extension dependency.

As a side note, I’m using the generic link to the extension, since the project itself doesn’t have any builds (only tags):

Any idea what’s going on here?

build_errors.txt (44.8 KB) (1.2 KB)

The extension should be updated to support arm64 macs, but it’s up to @gameanalytics
Here is a ticket you can ask for it `arm64-osx` support · Issue #40 · GameAnalytics/GA-SDK-DEFOLD · GitHub

For now, you can use this fork GitHub - AGulev/GA-SDK-DEFOLD: Repository for GameAnalytics Defold SDK where macos support fully removed from the extension + fixes for Defold 1.8.0


Thanks for that, that’s a fast response!

Using the fork solves the build issue! When I bundle to html5 I now get a new issue, any idea why? This happens on the minimal project I posted above too.

com.samskivert.mustache.MustacheException$Context: No method or field with name 'env' on line 1
	at com.samskivert.mustache.Template.checkForMissing(
	at com.samskivert.mustache.Template.getValue(
	at com.samskivert.mustache.Template.getCompoundValue(
	at com.samskivert.mustache.Template.getValue(
	at com.samskivert.mustache.Template.getValueOrDefault(
	at com.samskivert.mustache.Mustache$VariableSegment.execute(
	at com.samskivert.mustache.Template.executeSegs(
	at com.samskivert.mustache.Template.execute(
	at com.samskivert.mustache.Template.execute(
	at com.defold.extender.TemplateExecutor.execute(
	at com.defold.extender.Extender.<init>(
	at com.defold.extender.Extender.<init>(
	at com.defold.extender.AsyncBuilder.asyncBuildEngine(
	at com.defold.extender.AsyncBuilder$$FastClassBySpringCGLIB$$3a887347.invoke(<generated>)
	at org.springframework.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.invoke(
	at org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy$CglibMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(
	at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
	at org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy$CglibMethodInvocation.proceed(
	at org.springframework.aop.interceptor.AsyncExecutionInterceptor.lambda$invoke$0(
	at java.base/
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
	at java.base/

yes, this happens because my fork only for 1.8.0 and since it’s in beta it will work only with build-stage extender (after release it will be fine on the main extender as well)

Good catch! Using 1.8.0 with the build server set to works perfectly.

Am I right in thinking GamesAnalytics can use your fork to fix the issue with the extension? Or are other changes needed?

No, they can’t or can but partially.


I added a note on Github in the hope the GameAnalytics devs see it.

I have a question about 1.8.0 support.

I use this versions

This version is worked, but it don’t contains fixed for 1.8.0.
I don’t understand why it worked:) I am using 1.8.0
and for all others dependencies I make a fix for webgl

How it worked? Is it correct?

I think @AGulev tried GameAnalytics in an html5 build in Defold 1.8.0. Did you run into any problems Alexey?

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I use my own fork where

  • macOS support removed
  • fixes for Defold 1.8